Shukria Jamal
About Shukria Jamal
In 2007, I started working as a academic staff at Kabul Polytechnic University and was one of the first professors to be hired in the field of computer science to teach computer skills and subjects. After a year, I gained scholarship and was sent by the university to England in March 2008 to pursue a master’s degree.
I earned my master’s degree in Internet & Distributed Systems with a degree of distinction from Brighton University of UK and returned home to pursue my academic activities. In 2015, due to the need of the Ministry and her own interest, was appointed as an acting director of the Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Higher Education. Later, in 2017, I was hired as the director of information technology through free competition and working till date. Managing IT at the ministry and all public universities including Afghanistan NREN (AfgREN).
Shukria Jamal Session
NREN Needs Assessment (NNA) under the Asi@Connect Project
Abstract :
The NREN Need Assessment grant project was initiated by TEIN*CC under the Asi@connect project to provide comprehensive insight and analysis of NREN needs leading to activities that will benefit NRENs.
The information is gathered through both surveys and interviews with the various NRENs organisations and some of their members. The session will start with a presentation introducing the background and the preliminary findings of the NREN Needs Assessment (NNA) under the Asi@Connect project. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion on the key findings, their impact on the NRENs, possible remedial actions to be taken, etc.
Other NNA Panelist :
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